18岁那年,我被一个代号为“送奶工”的人跟踪窥探。人言可畏,这段遭遇却被邻里谣传为不堪入目的私情。他们不想要真相,他们只想要谣言。我就在这样冷漠 、封闭、对立的小地方长大成人。我,要么放任自己被同化;要么看清一切,笑着往前。18岁的我,要求自己想得更多。
In this unnamed city, to be interesting is dangerous. Middle sister, our protagonist, is busy attempting to keep her mother from discovering her maybe-boyfriend and to keep everyone in the dark about her encounter with Milkman. But when first brother-in-law sniffs out her struggle and rumours start to swell, middle sister becomes "interesting" - the last thing she ever wanted to be. To be interesting is to be noticed, and to be noticed is dangerous. Milkman is a tale of gossip and hearsay, silence and deliberate deafness. It is a story of inaction with enormous consequences.