拉脱维亚是欧洲北部的波罗的海国家之一。它拥有欧洲最美丽的白沙滩,享有 "蓝色湖泊之国"、"欧洲之肺 "和 "最美女儿之乡 "的美誉。拉脱维亚是欧洲北部的波罗的海国家之一。它拥有欧洲最美丽的白沙海滩。它被称为 "蓝洞之国"、"欧洲之肺 "和 "最美丽的女儿之乡"。里加是拉脱维亚的首都,波罗的海地区最大的城市,也是欧洲新艺术主义建筑的中心之一。它被称为北欧的小巴黎。拉脱维亚移民是一个不错的选择!

拉脱维亚位于俄罗斯、西欧和北欧的十字路口。有三个国际无冰港。运输和物流约占国民生产总值的10%。运输是拉脱维亚的经济命脉。作为波罗的海国家的物流中心,它是 "一带一路 "倡议下的一个重要战略节点,也是欧盟和独联体国家之间的门户。


Are you considering moving to Latvia? In this post we will discuss the options to get a residence permit in the country as an EU and as a non- EU citizen, for the purpose of work, business, investment and study. We will also list the advantages and disadvantages about living in Latvia.
00:47 Latvia Overview
Latvia is a country in Northeastern Europe, and part of the Baltic States together with Estonia and Lithuania. The country is a full European Union member, a member of the Schengen area, and currently uses the Euro common currency. The economy of Latvia is relatively stable, and the country has experienced huge economic growth since it got independent after the collapse of the Soviet Union in the 1990's.
However, Latvia is currently the worst performer in terms of recent economic development in the region. Lithuania is doing a bit better than Latvia, and Estonia is doing fairly better than both.
Below, we will analyze the options if you want to move to Latvia, temporarily or permanently.
01:30 Latvia Residence Permit for EU Citizens
If you are an EU citizen and you want to live in Latvia for more than 3 months, you need to register your stay. The process is pretty straightforward and you can do everything after you are already in Latvia. You will need to either own real estate, have a rental contract, or the consent of a property owner in Latvia to live and register your address there.
In Riga, usually it will take longer for you to register your stay than in other parts of the country. However, in Latvia, you can register your stay in any city, it doesn't necessarily need to be in the city where you live. This way, you can get it done much faster, and get your Latvia residence card in a matter of just a few days.
Once registered, you can go on and start your activities, whatever they might be: work, study, retirement, non-economic activities broadly with the same rights as citizens of Latvia.
02:26 Latvia Residence Permit for Non EU Citizens
If you are not an EU citizen, things are slightly more difficult. However, Latvia is one of the EU countries with the highest availability and flexibility in terms of residence permits for non-EU nationals.
There are residence permits for most categories. Currently, they include, non-EU citizens residence permits for study, work, running a business, self-employed persons, real estate and bond investors, retirees, and many others. Let's cover a few them below. There are really many, so we will not cover all of them.
02:58 Residence Permit for Business
Firstly, let's check how to get a residence permit to run business in Latvia. There are a few different options, including residence permits for company shareholders, for self-employed persons, and also, if you want to run a start-up company in Latvia.
The disadvantage here is that things are not that easy. While anyone, even non-EU citizens can freely open a company in Latvia, getting a residence permit involves a number of requirements to be met.
The most difficult requirement in my opinion is that your business plan must be checked and approved by a sworn auditor. But, at least you can set up the business plan initially and try to get it approved. If it does, then you can move on and actually invest.
The easiest option if you want to run business in Latvia is going for the Startup Visa. The financial requirement to apply is just 6000 euros, but remember, you will still need to get your business plan approved.
03:59 Residence Permit for Investors in Latvia
Now, let's check two options that I consider some of the best ones if you want to live in the European Union and you want to be a passive investor, as opposed to an active business manager.
The first option is the real estate investment residence permit in Latvia. You need to make a real estate investment of 250.000 euros to qualify for this residence permit, plus some government fees. There is no minimum number of days you need to stay in Latvia to renew it.
The second option is investing in bonds in Latvia. You need to invest 250.000 euros in an interest-free government bond plus fees. The advantage with the bonds is the liquidity. You don't need to look around for properties, and if you don't want to renew your residence permit you will not need to find a buyer for your property. However the government fees are lower if you invest in real estate.
04:37 Studying in Latvia
05:15 Residence Permits for Retirement
05:40 Other Residence Permits in Latvia
05:54 Permanent Residence and Latvian Citizenship
06:29 Advantages of Living in Latvia
07:35 Disadvantages of Living in Latvia
00:47 拉脱维亚概况
01:30 欧盟公民的拉脱维亚居留证
02:26 非欧盟公民的拉脱维亚居留证
02:58 商业居留证
03:59 投资者在拉脱维亚的居留许可
04:37 在拉脱维亚留学
05:15 退休后的居留许可
05:40 拉脱维亚的其他居留许可
05:54 永久居留和拉脱维亚公民身份
06:29 在拉脱维亚生活的优势
07:35 在拉脱维亚生活的劣势
